Conservation priorities for woody medicinal plants in an indigenous community in a savanna area of the northern Brazilian Amazon
Índice de prioridade de conservação, Etnia Makuxi, Etnobotânica, Conhecimento localResumo
The pressure for native wood use is a point of great interest for ethnobotanical studies, since these species are indispensable for local communities’ survival in different environmental conditions of the world. In this context, this study aimed to indicate the conservation priorities for useful woody medicinal plants in Darora indigenous community, part of the Makuxi people, which live in the savanna of Roraima State, Northern Brazilian Amazon. Ethnobotanical indexes associated with species ecological data were used, and semi structured interviews conducted among 60 inhabitants (36 men and 24 women) ranging from 18 to 84 years of age. The results indicated that from 33 woody medicinal plants, 24 were also associated with timber use. The conservation priority index indicated that Palicourea rigida, Anadenanthera peregrina, Copaifera pubiflora and Leptolobium nitens are highly prioritized species for local conservation. Our results indicated the need for actions on conservation, beyond ex-situ conservation techniques, such as germplasm bank and cultivation. These actions are necessary to protect the most threatened woody medicinal species which are also used as different timber artifacts by the indigenous population living in the Darora Community.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Rodrigo Leonardo Costa de Oliveira, Luís Felipe Paes de Almeida, Veridiana Vizoni Scudeller, Reinaldo Imbrozio Barbosa.

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