About the Journal

The Boletim do Museu Integrado de Roraima/BOLMIRR (ISSN 2317-5206) is a periodical of the Integrated Museum of Roraima, of the Institute of Support to Science, Technology and Innovation of Roraima. BOLMIRR is one of the oldest scientific journals in Roraima and its first issue dates from December 1990. It is currently published semi-annually in electronic version by the State University of Roraima.

BOLMIRR is a multidisciplinary journal that publishes articles, reviews and scientific notes in Portuguese, Spanish and English, covering different topics related to the Amazon in the areas of human sciences, teaching, biological sciences, sustainability, health and related disciplines. It is indexed in Google Scholar, CAPES Periodicals, Diadorim – Ibict and Electronic Sites of Botany, Plant Biology and Plant Science Journals (E-jornals.org).

In the classification of Qualis Periodicals for the four-year period 2013-2016, the Boletim do Museu Integrado de Roraima/BOLMIRR (ISSN 2317-5206) was classified as B4 in the area of ​​Education, B5 in the area of ​​Environmental Sciences and C in the areas of Biotechnology and Biodiversity.

Content publishing and access policy
The Boletim do Museu Integrado de Roraima/BOLMIRR (ISSN 2317-5206) offers immediate free access to its content, making scientific knowledge available to the public free of charge. Publication in the Boletim do Museu Integrado de Roraima is free of charge for authors. This publication does not provide certificates related to the evaluation phases of articles/submissions. For this purpose, the author must use the messages or screens issued by the electronic system.

Copyright policy

Authors who publish in the Boletim do Museu Integrado de Roraima/BOLMIRR (ISSN 2317-5206) agree to the following terms:

1) Authors retain copyright and grant the Boletim do Museu Integrado de Roraima/BOLMIRR (ISSN 2317-5206) the right of first publication, with the work simultaneously licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License that allows sharing the work with acknowledgment of authorship and initial publication in this journal.

2) Authors are authorized to assume additional contracts separately, for non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in this journal (eg, to publish in an institutional repository or as a book chapter), with acknowledgment of authorship and initial publication in this journal.

3) Authors are allowed and encouraged to publish and distribute their work online (eg in institutional repositories or on their personal page) after publication in the Boletim do Museu Integrado de Roraima.

Licensing policy

The Boletim do Museu Integrado de Roraima/BOLMIRR (ISSN 2317-5206) is a scientific publication distributed under the Creative Commons license – Attribution – commercial use – Share Alike (BY). There is permission to use and create derivative works from the material, as long as there is attribution of credits (BY).

Statement of ethics and good practices

The Boletim do Museu Integrado de Roraima/BOLMIRR (ISSN 2317-5206) is a scientific publication committed to ensuring the highest standards of ethics in publication. Based on this, the Editorial Board approved the Declaration of Ethics and Good Practices in Publication, which must be read and strictly followed by all the actors responsible for the dissemination of knowledge practiced here.

Conflict of interest policy

The Boletim do Museu Integrado de Roraima/BOLMIRR (ISSN 2317-5206) is a scientific publication committed to ensuring the highest standards of ethics in publication. The agreement of all parties involved in the act of publication (Members of the Editorial Board, authors, evaluators and editors) regarding the previously defined standards of ethical behavior is required. Based on this, we advocate the following principles regarding the Conflict of Interest Policy in Publications.

Verification and anti-plagiarism policy

The Boletim do Museu Integrado de Roraima/BOLMIRR (ISSN 2317-5206) will follow the guidelines contained in COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics), DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) and will also have its own codes of conduct and ethics, not accepting fraud, misconduct, violations of ethics or plagiarism anyway. If some of these practices are identified in the manuscripts received, such as plagiarism, they will be treated in accordance with COPE guidelines. We therefore recommend that authors visit the COPE website for more information on research ethics: http://publicationethics.org/resources/flowcharts. The editors of O Boletim do Museu Integrado de Roraima will actively use advanced technological tools to detect plagiarism, reporting any findings in this regard to the editorial board, which must adopt the appropriate legal measures.

Blind peer review policy

The Boletim do Museu Integrado de Roraima/BOLMIRR (ISSN 2317-5206) aims to ensure the integrity of blind peer review to submission and every effort must be made to prevent the identities of authors and reviewers from being known to each other. This involves authors, editors and reviewers (who upload documents as part of their review).